Ayşe Betil | Gutenberg (İnkilap Yayın Evi)
For me, there was paper and pen first. First drawing and then writing, it has always been a part of my life. I didn’t want to share my paintings and writings with anyone for a very long time and I kept them to myself. Later, when I shared them and saw that my works touched not only my own feelings but also the feelings of other people, I felt that my life would flow in this direction.
Human faces have always interested me. Even if I paint other things, none of them give me as much pleasure as a face. I attribute this to this; the face is the truest reflection of feelings to me. I find myself focusing more on feelings in my stories. The feelings of the character are much more remarkable to me than where they are or even how they look.
Sharing a feeling, becoming one in a feeling has always been more valuable to me than being side by side and together. I believe that spiritual closeness is the closest form of relationship to the truth. What I do has always been more important to me than who I am; whose feelings I can touch, how many lives I have never met but know by heart I can leave a mark on, and ultimately how I can establish a heart-to-heart connection with each person who shares my feelings...
Although my paintings and stories are made by me, I also enter into such a relationship with them, I establish an empathy. If I can trigger any human emotion in those who watch my paintings or read my stories, then I can consider that I have achieved what I want. In my opinion, there can be no more real relationship than this.